
My journals have become a vital space for me - to pause, reflect, take time for myself and, where needed, consider next steps. I have a mounting pile of them alongside my prolific collection of sketchbooks. Words appear across the pages of both, often in conversation with one another. In this Journal space I’m sharing some of these reflections, encounters that inspire me and stories of people I meet.

multidisciplinary work RTiiiKA multidisciplinary work RTiiiKA

Creative Conversations

I had a 121 this afternoon with curator Erin Li. She’s based at the Delfina Foundation in London as a curator working across multidisciplinary arts projects with a focus on performance and participatory works. I had two key questions that I wanted to explore with her:

1.     How to find support for multidisciplinary performance work?

2.     Where the opportunities might be to share this type of work?

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Hélène Amouzou

I’ve been revisiting the beautiful, evocative photographic works of Hélène Amouzou. I saw her exhibition ‘Voyages’ at Autograph earlier this year and her images strongly resonated with my own.  The work spans 15 years of her life, yet all depicted within the claustrophobic setting of one room. In the introduction to the exhibition it offers that ‘her gestural apparitions are an attempt to recapture her identity and a sense of belonging.’

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Looking Back

We judge ourselves so harshly as artists, and are judged by others in terms of our track record - of exhibitions, sales of work, funding and commissions. The definitions are drawn for us and we impose these on ourselves. Yet surely there’s room to interpret the word ‘artist’ in as many different ways as there are creative responses in the world?

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