Hannah Sullivan
“When I write about age I sense I am in the language of magic; tricks, surprises, amazed, loop-de-loops, how and where you look, or place attention/value, what you are choosing to see.” Hannah
“Speaking to you the other day about the link between age and invisibility, particularly as a woman, made me wonder when I realised that I’d become invisible. I think it might have been somewhere in my forties…” Kamina
A year ago I celebrated my 60th birthday and Hannah Sullivan celebrated her 35th. Hannah invited me to start a writing exchange focused around age and we have been sending each other regular writings ever since.
More recently we've been exploring what happens when one person reads the other’s text, allowing them to move in response to the words that they hear. We’re excited by this process and have started to share the work in progress with friends and colleagues in order to gather feedback.
Initial responses from invited witnesses have been really encouraging:
‘Thoughtful and generous’
‘Joyful and tender’
‘I liked the quietness, the uncluttered quality.’
‘The moments of connection between you were very moving.’